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Problem-solving is a Key Ingredient in Design

BY Rachel Harvey

In graphic design there is always a "problem" to solve. It's more of a challenge than a problem. Finding out exactly what that challenge is one of the first problems to solve. What is the mission? Who is the design targeted to? What action do you want your audience to take? Etc.

Questions and answers are the way to solving design challenges. More and more questions and answers. Essentially this is in-despth communication. The more we know about the client, the audience, and the business the more we can understand and communicate through design. Effective design is built on understanding and insight. We try to put ourselves in the shoes of our clients and the clients audience. When in the audiences shoes we ask ourselves, "What message do I want to see and hear? What colors will speak to this message? What path do I want to be taken down?"

Most importantly, keep asking questions. Keep learning!